Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rainy Night

It's been raining for hours and looks like that wont change soon. I woke up about 15 minutes ago. I'm not sure why I'm still awake? God must be trying to Lay something on my heart. See You at the Pole is in a few hours. It would be so cool if all 5 of my 6th grade youth girls were there. We shall see. I will still pray for all regardless. :). Well that went in a different direction but that is how my brain works.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hallie wants to learn to cook

Tuesday evening Hallie and I were in the kitchen making chicken and egg noodles.  The chicken had previously been cooked when Anthony baked it over the weekend.  So I was taking it and cutting it with a pair of kitchen scissors.  Hallie had sprinkled in some chicken seasoning into the water as it was starting to boil.  I decided (or she asked, I don't remember which) to let Hallie try her hand at cutting it up.  She thought that it was fun!  I told her that I had learned how to cut the meat with the scissors with my Apples of Gold program that I had attended earlier this year.  I also told her that one day that she would need to learn to cook.  She then said "You're a Mom" and "I'm a daughter"... then she said "Teach me to cook".  It just came out so funny.  She is now 11 1/2 and is showing more and more interest in learning to cook and helping out in the kitchen. 

It's no surprise really.  James and Nathaniel are both pretty good with cooking and following recipes.  I'm glad that they are turning out independent.  I think Anthony and I are doing a good job of expectations and they are doing well at meeting them.

Getting Started

Well, I've had a blog before but never did much with it.  However, I've decided to start from scratch.  I wanted a place where I could quickly jot down my life's happenings.  Life with a family of 5 has many twists and turns.  However, we are a family that works through things together.  One thing that I know is that  the 5 of us are there for each other through it all.  I plan on sharing tid-bits about my family... sometimes it should be called Bragger instead of Blogger because when it comes right down to it, I'm a proud Christian, Wife, Mom and Wanna Be Runner and just want to share it with you.  :)